Mini sequence before dinner…


When we get off work, or even if we worked at home, we are tired, physically but especially mentally.
Those who live with us, however, have a right to enjoy the best of our energy and we ourselves have a right to be relaxed and fresh to enjoy the company of people dear to us, or our own company if we live alone…
After a shower, stand, legs shoulder length apart, feet pointed slightly outwards and hands just above the knees, which are slightly bent, fingers can face inwards or downwards, keep you arms straight , your back straight and do not curve it. (see Image ).
Simply, begin to breathe deeply, pulling the abdomen in slowly, as if the navel was touching the spinal column, then breathing in a relaxed manner , gently.
Continue this for a few minutes, remaining focused on the movement and the feeling at the end of the expiration and the beginning of the inspiration.
Then on the inhale slowly rise up., listening to the sensations for a few seconds.
Sit on the floor with one hip against the wall and legs bent. Turn so that the buttocks is firmly against the wall and raise the legs so that they are straight up against the wall, so that your heels face the ceiling and the toes face down. Relax the entire back on the floor.
Take a few deep breaths and then, interlace your fingers behind your head and inhale lift the head up and exhale down, 5 or 6 times, then relax down, only a few breaths.
Then relax the arms and stay 5/10 minutes with your legs against the wall, neck and back well stretched on the ground.
When you get up, you'll feel refreshed and regenerated.
These 10/15 minutes of practice, you can also do in the morning if you prefer.

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